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Google Maps

前一陣子, 因為工作的關係, 把Google的產品大致都go through過一遍.

Google really did some good stuff. Especially, right now they have teams in Taiwan, so they are working on some more convenient tools for people in Taiwan.

For example, you can go to, and you can see some useful links at the left side, like "台北市即時停車場資訊" (這個是利用google maps的marking技術, 加上由台北市政府網站透過web service功能提供的即時資訊, 結合起來, 所顯示出來的), 或是可以點擊"熱門地圖瀏覽工具" or "查看更多地圖"來看到更多由其他網友努力的成果.

如果你懂寫程式的話, 你也可以go to "Google Map APIs"去看看怎麼利用Google Map提供的技術來開發你自己的Map喔!!

2 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...

I didn't know you have a blog, too. Anyway, Good luck with Job hunting !

Will 提到...

Hah....yeah....just started it recently..:]