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Ayame 日本餐廳

今天和老婆去試了一家網友介紹的"Ayame", 最後認為這個決定是不錯的, 還值得下次再去:

"Ayame" locates in Orchard Hills Village center (3923 Portola Pkwy, Irvine, CA). It's not big, but when we got there, it was around 7pm, but still many available seats.

我們點了一個 combo "B" (beef teriyaki, tempura, sashimi with rice, soup, and salad) $19.xx
waitress還問我說beef teriyaki要幾分熟, 後來拿來才知道, 原來不是一片一片的, 而是有厚度的小塊牛排, 而且煎得表皮又脆, 中間又很軟, 很好吃!
sashimi也很嫩很新鮮, tempura也炸得剛剛好, miso soup也好喝, salad也好吃!!

我們還點了一個烤魚下巴, 也很嫩, 很juicy, $12:

然後還點了一個soft shell crab cut roll, $9
也很好吃, 海苔外皮外面還包了應該是用黃瓜削出來的一層皮, 真是有創意又好吃:

最後結帳, 所費不貲, but 好吃..............尤其在irvine要吃到我覺得好吃的日本餐廳, 這個算是其中一家, 而且服務態度很好, 星期五晚上去, 沒有太多人, 不用排隊, 又很安靜, 外面還有座位可以坐著吃飯, 或許下次就帶著我們家的mochi一起去吃...:D

Google Maps

前一陣子, 因為工作的關係, 把Google的產品大致都go through過一遍.

Google really did some good stuff. Especially, right now they have teams in Taiwan, so they are working on some more convenient tools for people in Taiwan.

For example, you can go to, and you can see some useful links at the left side, like "台北市即時停車場資訊" (這個是利用google maps的marking技術, 加上由台北市政府網站透過web service功能提供的即時資訊, 結合起來, 所顯示出來的), 或是可以點擊"熱門地圖瀏覽工具" or "查看更多地圖"來看到更多由其他網友努力的成果.

如果你懂寫程式的話, 你也可以go to "Google Map APIs"去看看怎麼利用Google Map提供的技術來開發你自己的Map喔!!


每次看到有人介紹台灣的小吃, 不管是在台灣的或是在美國的, 就會覺得好飛回台灣去待個幾個星期好好過過癮.........尤其是我家就住在師大路夜市旁邊, 出門就有吃不完的美食................我到現在還從來沒有把師大夜市所有的店都吃過一次....因為太多了!!!

在這裡要推薦一個茶店, 小小的店舖, 口味卻不同於一般的泡沫紅茶店, 去的話, 一定要點他們的霜乳茶喔(可以選很多種base, like 烏龍, 普耳, 紅茶, 綠茶...etc.), 可以參考這個link: 奉茶師大店

然後在這裡看到有人介紹10 places of Taipei, 可以參考參考喔!


My first master thesis is about mobile computing at a Computer Science and Engineering department. I remembered learning those knowledge about mobile computing and wireless communication was very interesting and exciting because those technology are so powerful and change the way people communicate totally.

People are talking about FDMA (frequency division multiple access), TDMA(time division multiple access), and CDAM (code division multiple access) when talking about how to utilize wireless signal channel to communicate with each other. There is a very easy example to understand their difference:

There is a room (one wireless signal channel) in which people wish to communicate with each other. To avoid confusion, people could take turns speaking (time division), speak at different pitches (frequency division), or speak in different languages (code division). People speaking the same language can understand each other, but not other people.

Therefore, with using those 3 methods, even sharing the same channel, different pairs of people can talk with each other at the same time without any problem. you understand it?

A beautiful moon

We just moved in our new apartment for one month, and we really like it. It was built in2004, and comes with in-house washer/dryer. So we don't need to carry heavy laundry basket with lots of clothes to do our laundry. Also, the community provides the tenants with business center, club house, covered parking garage (with storage space), 24-hour gym, and 2 heated salty swimming pools with jacuzzi. Also, the maintenance service is good. The maintenance guy always came on time, and was nice.

Our apartment is facing south-east, so we got sunshine in the morning, and don't feel so hot in the afternoon. Also, in the evening, we can see the beautiful moon.
it's really pretty.