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The "Native Foods" in "The Camp"

Today, we went to a restaurant called "Native Foods" in "The Camp" green mall.

The restaurant is just like a big Mongolian style tent. The seats are surrounding the counter which is in the center. High translucent ceiling with a big fan, with glass window surrounding half of the tent. It's eco-friendly nature bright. Of course, they also offer outdoor seats.
"Native Foods" provides healthy, delicious, organic scrumptious vegetarian foods. It's very interesting that there is a chalk board full of "I will not eat animals today."
What we had today is a Twister Warp with Native Fries and Green Salad. The Twister Wrap looks like having checken inside, but actually it's not checken meat, but still tastes good!
By the way, you can try their iced tea (the one in the above picture). They said the iced tea is sweeten by "Agave" not regular sugar oh!

Here is their website:
And their location is Costa Mesa: (They also have restaurants in Aliso Viejo, Westwood village of L.A., Palm Springs, and Palm Desert)
2937 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 751-2151


今天從朋友那裡知道一個在打折的好東西: 創見的移動硬碟 with FREE SHIPPING!
從大學的時候買電腦零件自己組裝的時候, 記憶體都會要挑創見(Transcend)的, 這是一個不錯的台灣公司. 現在他們在這個網站做Labor Day Sale with FREE Shipping on some selected items, 可以去這裡看看喔:

我大概跟Fry's和Bestbuy相類似的competitors比較, 價錢還不錯喔! 又不用自己跑到老遠的Fry's因為有free shipping....

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